【服务流程】初步洽谈签订协议 报告编制提交初稿完善修改排版定稿交付客户
【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:休闲生态农庄项目。建设主要内容:建设规模:总2400亩;建设农业种植、坡地养殖、农产品加工、园林绿化、观光农业、休闲养生度假、民宿餐饮。总建筑面积40000平方米,其中游泳馆5000平方米、垂钓池3000平方米、养老基地23000平方米等;采摘园1500亩(种植核桃、苹果、桃、杏、枣、石榴等);土地平整、修筑梯田300亩;绿化30亩(种植梧桐、柳树等);修筑道路13500米。工艺技术:种植—养殖——销售—采摘—旅游 主要设备:各种农产品加工设备、农机具设备、自动滴灌等。
Project name: annual output of 10000 tons of eating gluten and 50 tons of dried fish. Construction contents: annual output of 10000 tons of eating gluten and 50 tons of dried fish project, the project covers an area of 100 mu, building area of 8000 square meters, the main construction: fishponds 10, three warehouse workshop, machining workshop 2, office and other supporting facilities, such as eating gluten technology: with wheat flour as the main raw material through mix - cooked - molding - packing. Dried fish technology: from breeding freshwater fish (for eating gluten feed bran and surface water) after slicing, pickled, air drying, packaging. Major equipment: mixer, separator, filter screen, dryer, aerator, feeding machine, slicing machine, packaging machine, etc.
Project name: annual output of 10000 sets of precision CNC machine tools, the elevator accessories project. The project content: the total investment of 48.5 million yuan, the construction of factory building, office building and auxiliary facilities of 6000 square meters. Technology: purchase raw material according to drawing according to the request of material to stamping and welding welding, CNC machining and polishing - packaging - testing the factory delivery of the goods. Major equipment: the main processing equipment 2 x6 50 p lathe gantry machining center, CNC machine, 6 m 3 meters shearing machine, bending machine, 632 # 632 grinding machine, machining center.