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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
Project name: capacity of 200000 m3 of fly ash aerated concrete block project. The construction of the main content: the project of new capacity of 200000 m3 of fly ash aerated concrete block production line; Technology: the processing of raw materials - microcomputer ingrents - fixed pouring - static stop - in advance to raise to cutting, stripping the marshalling - high pressure pipe - finished products; Major equipment: autocled kettle, crusher, ball mill, cutting machine, winding machine, conveyor, pouring machine, pump liquid slag, dust removal equipment, shuttle buses, autocled car, car, tractor on the ground.
Project name: Australia cow slaughter 150000 production line project. The project content: the total project covers an area of 30 mu, construction of 10428.12 square meters, with a total investment of 300 million yuan. Technological process: slaughter laps to stun, to head the hoof - skinned - splitting - finishing - pick three gland to drench disinfection, PaiSuan - split - packaging - cold storage. Major equipment: a set of refrigeration equipment, a set of slaughtering equipment, bone split a set of equipment, a set of *age treatment equipment, power supply equipment, etc.