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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产太阳能控制5万套,锂电池组4万组建设项目。建设主要内容:利用原有车间、办公楼等总建筑面积13000平方米,建设年产太阳能控制5万套,锂电池组4万组生产线。工艺技术:1、锂电池组工艺技术:外购18650锂电池电芯、电子元件等,经焊接、组装、封装、老化、检测、包装、成品。2、太阳能控制工艺技术:外购电子元器件,经焊接、组装、检测、老化、包装、成品。主要设备: 贴片机、回流焊、积分球、激光打标机、切割机、点焊机等。
Project name: processing 10000 tons of magnesium alloy wheel and general equipment manufacturing and processing projects. Construction of the main content: the main construction contents: rent workshop 728.12 square meters, construction of processing 10000 tons of magnesium alloy wheel hub and general equipment manufacturing and processing production line. Purchasing process are: silicon, magnesium, steel scrap, metal smelting and mold preparation to early check to rough machining, flaw detection, heat treatment and finish machining and inspection to the assembly, warehousing. Main equipment: CNC machine tools, CNC milling machine, CNC drilling machine, a broken machine, coreless induction furnace, etc.
Project name: annual output of 50000 sets of indoor door construction project. Construction of the main content: the project rent workshop area of 7000 square meters, annual output of 50000 sets of indoor door. Technological process: wood material purchases - design - wood production - complete. Major equipment: precision saw 1, pressure machine, engring machine and other equipment. To predict market prospect is good.