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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:汽车零部件工业园建设项目。建设主要内容:该项目新增用地、新建厂房,建设汽车零部件工业园建设项目。工艺技术:1、冲压工艺:原材料—冲剪—冲压—检验—包装—入库 2、注塑工艺:配料—干燥—注塑—检验—包装—入库 3、盒装配:零部件组装—导通—耐压—扣盖—包装—入库 4、模具制造工艺:备料—粗铣—中丝—磨床—穿孔—普电 5、电子大灯调节器:主体打标—安装传动部分—安装齿轮—安装电机、线路板总成—组装上下盖—包装—入库 6、BCM产品:表贴—回流焊接—分板—插件—波峰焊—装配—调试—包装—入库 7、线束(新能源)工艺:下线—剪剥—压接—预装—总装—电检—包装—入库。主要设备:高速冲床、注塑机、铣加工中心、磨床、车床、电火花机床、线切割机床、全自动下线压接机、线束装配流水线、机、滚剪机、送料机、拉力试验机、三座标测量仪、电性能仪、导通仪、打包机等生产检测设备823台(套)。
Project name: processing 10000 plate project. Construction of the main content: the project in the original factory construction, is not a new land expropriation. Technology: purchase raw material, a thermal - finished products. Major equipment: 0.7 tons of gas boiler, organic heat carrier aircraft furnace, a fast cover hot press a, etc. The company mainly produces furniture factory with plank, the market demand is big, broad prospects for development.
Project name: annual output of 120 million square meters of corrugated carton project. The project content: the total investment of 105 million yuan, total covers an area of 36.7 mu, construction capacity of 120 million square meters of corrugated carton production line. Technology: outsourcing of raw materials (paper) to single compound machine, vertical and horizontal cut - printing slot - touch line - nails, sticky box - finished goods inventory. Major equipment: five-color printing machine, touch line machine, carton binding machine, nail box machine.