【服务流程】初步洽谈签订协议 报告编制提交初稿完善修改排版定稿交付客户
【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:起重减速机生产线建设项目。建设主要内容: 项目约80亩,建设厂房及配套设施约3.5万平方米。主要设备:进口机床、下料机、切割机、表处理、包装、检测和环保等。工艺技术:来料检测—下料—精加工—表面处理—成品—包装-入库。项目的实施有利于林州产业集聚区装备制造业发展水平。
Project name: annual capacity of 20000 m3 plank production project. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 19 mu, building area of 3600 ㎡, with annual capacity of 20000 m3 for plate (rotary cutting board). Production process: log - cooking - rotary - drying - finished products. Major equipment: lathe cutting machine, drying equipment, gas boiler, etc. Market is good, broad prospects.
Project name: annual output of 1200 tons of ceramic grinding wheel and high precision polishing wheel (more than 450 mm in diameter) construction project, the construction of the main content: the project rent the original factory building is 3500 ㎡, proed the construction of annual output of 1200 tons of ceramic grinding wheel and high precision polishing wheel (more than 450 mm in diameter) production line. Technology: outsourcing materials (ceramic particles) - mixing - hydraulic press processing - fire molding - check - packaging. Major equipment: automatic mixing pot, four-column hydraulic press, furnace, etc.