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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年加工60套展柜建设项目,建设主要内容:建设厂房、办公用房等建筑面积500平方米。年加工展柜3000米,1、展柜柜体生产工艺:外购木工板—下料—打孔—装配—批灰—打磨—喷漆—木制品半成品,外购玻璃—裁切—夹胶—打直角—喷砂—喷漆—打圆头—清洗—玻璃半成品,外购不锈钢、型材—下料—打孔—金属件半成品,木制品半成品、金属件半成品、玻璃半成品、外购石材及LED灯等—组装—展柜柜体;2、展柜屏风生产工艺:外购木工板—下料—雕刻—批灰—打磨—喷漆—展柜屏风 主要设备:空压机、备用发电机、精密裁板锯、钻床、气钉、手工打磨机、喷、手工玻璃刀、玻璃夹胶机、玻璃磨边机、玻璃直角机、喷砂机、玻璃清洗机、水锯、型材切割机、雕刻机等,项目产品市场需求量大,生产前景良好。
Project name: annual output of 25000 tons of refractory brick project. Construction of the main content: the project within the original factory in building an annual output of 25000 tons of firebrick production lines, covers an area of 3000 square meters, a total construction area of 3000 square meters, including workshop 3000 square meters. Production process: raw materials (the chamotte, andalusite, etc.) - molding - drying - burnt - sorting and packing. Major equipment: a mixed grinding machines, hydraulic press three, high temperature gas kiln a and other ancillary equipment. Annual output of 25000 tons of refractory brick after the completion of the project; Project production product sales market prospect, considerable economic and social benefits.
Project name: annual output of 15000 pieces (sets) furniture project. The construction of the main content: the total construction area of 13163 square meters, including workshop 2 building, building area of 11546 square meters, production of auxiliary 1, building area of 1617 square meters. A new solid wood furniture production lines; Technological process: from design to place the order - cutting - type milling and drilling to punch, batch of gray - primer - oil mill to finish to repair the color, packing and warehousing; Major equipment: push Taiwan saw, electronic cutting saw, double-sided planer planer, platoon to drill, edge banding machine, ornamental engring and milling machine, precision saws, etc.