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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:菇色菇香生态观光采摘园建设项目。建设主要内容: 总面积271亩。其中食用菌大棚13333.3㎡;单层结构住宿用房土地1333.3㎡、餐饮2000㎡、垂钓2666.6㎡、特产店2000㎡、园林4000㎡;生态养殖区3333.3㎡;停车区6666.6㎡亩;种植区206亩(137333.3㎡);其他公共服务设施8000㎡。 园区修路1200米; 主要设备:食用菌种植需:拌料机、装袋机、粉碎机等;果树种植需:育苗温室大棚设备、滴灌设备、喷雾式机械等设备。
Project name: processing 2000 tons of waste cord rubber project. Construction contents: processing 2000 tons of waste cord rubber project, the project covers an area of 10 mu, building area of 4000 square meters. Main construction production workshop, raw material storage, shipping department, life and office facilities. Technology: the recycled waste cord rubber tyre plant leftover material after sorting - cutting - crushing - mixing - packaging. Major equipment: 40 tons of hydraulic cutting machine 3, 1200 radial shearing machine 6, 600 * 800 crusher equipment such as 1000 l mixer 1, 2.
Project name: annual output of 40 million pieces of mobile phone spare parts automatic production line technological transformation projects. Construction main content: the main construction contents: for mobile phone spare parts production line machine instead of manual work upgrading, the introduction of advanced equipment, improve the production line of traditional practices standard workshop (in); Technology: the material - the clamping lock screw thread - CNC machine tool processing - loose screw - sandblasting to metal burr - cleaning - testing - packaging - finished products; The main equipment: CNC machine tools, dry sand blasting machine, automatic line.