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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
Project name: annual output of 30000 tons of industrial aluminum and aluminum alloy precision machining production line project. The construction main contents: the newly built workshop 6000 square meters. Process flow: purchase aluminum rods, casting, extrusion, anodized, electrophoresis, high delivery for inspection, inspection, packaging. Major equipment: aluminum extrusion machine, straightening machine, tractors, aging furnace, such as oxidation silicon machine, numerical control machine tool equipment. Products are widely used in transportation industry, building materials, machinery and equipment, electronic communications, and other fields, the prospect is good, a vast market.
Project name: annual output of 20000 tons of brown fused alumina technological upgrading projects. Construction contents: to improve the production efficiency, energy conservation and emissions reduction, the existing fixed annual output of 20000 tons of brown fused alumina smelting furnace, the technical transformation for energy conservation and environmental protection of the dumping of the furnace. Process as raw material, smelting, finished product; Main equipment is 5000 kva transformer, dump type furnaces, cloth bag dust collector and other environmental protection equipment.