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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:造型、混砂全自动生产线改建。建设主要内容:上全自动生产线一条, 项目新建厂房面积8950平方米 工艺技术:完成手工铸造变成全自动生产线,工人劳动强度,技术明显。 主要设备: 造型机流水线、除尘器、混砂机、抛丸机等。
Project name: 12 mw heat recycling power projects. Construction of the main content: using blast furnace cinder flushing water, sintering flue gas waste heat, such as in the original central heating, on the basis of new waste heat power generation device, winter heating, power generation in other seasons, to maximize heat utilization. Construction content includes 1 1 x50t/h waste heat boiler, 1 set of 12 mw steam turbine unit and other supporting facilities.
Project name: annual output of 150000 tons of hey medium powder production project. The construction main contents: the annual output of 150000 tons of hey medium powder production plant, construction scale, covers an area of 20 mu, technology: using wet separation of copper smelting slag processing, extraction of hey medium powder. Major equipment: large magnetic separation machine, disc filter.