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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
Project name: processing 3000 tons of mold lye recycling system project. Construction of the main content: invest in a mold lye recycling system; Technology: mould the lye recycling system by the slag line, reaction equipment, aluminum hydroxide recycling line, sodium carbonate, recycling, and so on four parts, using sodium metasilicate gender features, separate the aluminum hydroxide, sodium carbonate in the crystal and mother liquor precipitation separation recycling. The main equipment are: CO2 carburetor, lye, sodium aluminum, separation and separation devices, aluminum slag drying equipment, such as slag drying equipment about 45 sets.
Project name: 3000 tons ChuBeiCang standardization construction projects. Construction main content: 1 mu, storage warehouse 1, 27.5 m x 24 m, the total storage, 3000 tons of bulk grain height 6 m, brick structure is used in the wall for light steel structure warehouse top secondary waterproof roof, roof waterproof level to level 2, fortify water coil and two waterproof waterproof mortar, ground and wall of coil moistureproof layer, building water supply and drainage, power communications facilities, etc. Technology: 1, to rational bulk grain storage after inspection, measuring, clean up, after the inspection, measurement or packaging issue outbound into the car. 2, the design of the warehouse delivery process system include: bulk grain, food packaging auto receive assignments, storability and bulk grain loading for cars, and part of the packaging food distribution operations. Major equipment: conveyor, cleaning sieve, fan.