【服务流程】初步洽谈签订协议 报告编制提交初稿完善修改排版定稿交付客户
【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
Project name: annual output of twenty thousand cubic meters of machine engineering project. Construction main content: 2 mu, the main construction workshop, office buildings for a total of 1400 square meters, annual output of twenty thousand cubic meters of machine makeup. Process: log - cutting - latex thermocompression bonding - machine makeup. Major equipment: boiler, hot press.
Project name: 30 mw photovoltaic grid-connected project. Construction of the main content: using the unused about 500 mu of barren hills, 30 MWP pv power generation project construction. Technology: photovoltaic cells, photovoltaic effect, direct current (dc), confluence, grid inverter, low-voltage alternating current (ac), pressure distribution system, power grid. Major equipment: crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells components, grid inverter, dc distribution cabinets, lightning protection junction box, ac booster system, etc.