【服务流程】初步洽谈签订协议 报告编制提交初稿完善修改排版定稿交付客户
【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
Project name: annual output of 2000 tons of water soluble fertilizer of trace element construction project. Construction of the main content: the project use workshop, workshop and other ancillary facilities area of 4500 square meters. Production process: raw materials purchased (weifei, glucose, etc.), mixing, packaging, finished product. Major equipment: storage tank, water tank, automatic packaging production line, etc. After the introduction of the project, annual output of 2000 tons of trace elements of water soluble fertilizer. Good market prospect.
Project name: an annual output of 20000 tons of 20000 tons of asphalt concrete, cement macadam stabilized soil construction project, the construction of the main content: the project land lease 25 acres, plans to build an annual output of 20000 tons of 20000 tons of asphalt concrete and cement macadam stabilized soil production line. Technology: outsourcing of raw materials (grel, asphalt), heating, sieving, gradation, mixing, finished product shipment. Major equipment: asphalt concrete mixing floor, etc.;