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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产1.8亿块烧结砖项目。项目内容:总投资2000万元,总33333.33平方米,总建筑面积23950平方米,其中厂房19850平方米,仓库2600平方米,办公用房1500平方米。生产工艺为:外购煤矸石、页岩→破碎→沉化→搅拌→制坯→烧结→检验→入库。主要设备: 破碎机2套、搅拌机2套、砖机2套、码坯机2套。
项目名称:年产1万吨聚丙烯酰胺项目。建设主要内容:该项目主要建设生产厂房4000平方米,对原有厂房、库房、实验室用房进行改造,项目装备包括研发、实验检测仪器、整套生产线及水电气配套设施。 项目生产工艺:投料混合→聚合→造粒→干燥→粉碎→包装。 主要设备包括:原料储料罐、材料混合釜、聚合反应釜、双螺旋造粒机、流化床、粉碎机、自动包装机、空气压缩机、充氮排氧装置等,以及相关的试验检测仪器。
Project name: has grown two millimeters fifty thousand fire door project. Construction of the main content: the construction land 35.5 mu, the production workshop 10000 square meters, 600 square meters of office space, has grown two millimeters fifty thousand fire door. Main technology with color wood grain steel as raw material, after processing semi-finished products processing enterprises outside the assembly, packaging, finished product storage company. Major equipment: small assembly electric tools such as hand drill gun. The project good market prospects.
Project name: recycling 2000 tons of fused brick construction project, the construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 10 acres, newly built plant and supporting facilities 1500 square meters, technology, raw materials purchased (waste fused brick) - picking - cutting - washing grinding - assembly - finished products - packing - put in storage, processing process, to take water, no dust pollution. Major equipment: cut brick machine, mill, packaging equipment, etc., after the completion of the project, good market prospects.