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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产300台套MPS型中速 磨煤机项目。建设主要内容:年产300台套MPS型中速磨煤机项目,利用原有土地和部分厂房,新增磨煤机车间一座,建筑面积10616平方米。主要项目工艺流程为:调研→试验→总体设计→分类课题→分步进行课题攻关→方案设计→技术设计→关键部件施工设计→工艺分析→工艺方案→工艺规程→关键部件试制→外配套件落实。主要设备有大型抛丸机、数控等离子切割机、金属带式锯床、大型剪板机、法兰自动成型机等。
Project name: annual output of 20 million sets of superhard materials synthesis accessories construction project. Construction contents: 30 mu of land for the project plan, proed construction of annual output of 20 million sets of superhard materials synthesis parts production line. Technology: 1, leaf la rocks: raw materials, mixing, pressing, shaping, drying, packaging, finished product; 2, conductive steel ring: raw materials, stamping molding, welding, pressing, drying, packaging, finished product. Major equipment: press, punch press, etc.
Project name: endowment apartment construction projects, construction of the main content: the project use of construction land, building area of 800000 square meters, including: pension apartments, dining area, the health care area, activity area, leisure area, etc.; After the completion of the project, can provide pension 1000 beds, project will be in strict accordance with the construction of the endowment facilities construction planning requirements.