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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产2000吨新型分层预制装配式钢结构产品建设项目。项目内容:总投资4680万元,项目30亩,建筑面积18000平方米,主要产品为新型分层预制装配式钢结构,总体产量为2000吨/年,项目采用 “柱分段、梁贯通”技术和全螺栓半刚性连接技术,购置联合冲剪机2台、相贯线切割机3台、液压摆式剪板机2台、数控气割机3台、数控火焰切割机2台、数控折弯机3台、钻铣床3台、钨极氩弧焊机4台等主要设备。
项目名称:年产6000吨莫来石轻质耐火材料制造项目。建设主要内容:项目位于石龙区产业集聚区内。该项目采用浇注法及炼泥挤出法成型工艺,建设年产6000吨莫来石轻质耐火材料生产线。主要建设内容:耐火材料生产线,包括:1500℃高温燃气窑1条,1200℃低温燃气窑1条;生产车间 2520 平方米;仓库330平方米;职工宿舍楼 300 平方米;食堂50平方米等。工艺技术:原料—粉碎—配料—搅拌—成型—干燥—焙烧—切磨—成品—入库。主要设备:球磨机、泥浆搅拌机、双缸泥浆泵、轮碾机、除尘设备及其他配套环保等设备。项目建成后,产品需求量大,市场前景广阔。
Project name: annual output of 2 million KVAh new sealed lead-acid battery. Construction of the main content: the project occupies 120 mu, the construction of the production workshop, research activities building, laboratory and transformer room construction area of 100000 square meters, annual output of 2 million KVAh new sealed lead-acid battery. Technology: the internalized into, gel type colloidal battery electrolyte, automatic aluminothermic welding, such as technology, after lead powder preparation, itive and negative plate casting, and cream coated plate, curing dry slice - plate surface treatment - bags - welded into the battery slot - welding electrode column - plus acid - charging and discharging - cover sealing plate - packing into finished products. Major equipment: the one-piece casting machine, roller cutter machine, brush machine, fully automatic machine, new type aluminothermic welding machine, etc.
Project name: ecological agriculture demonstration garden, the construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 500 mu, mainly planted 200 acres of honeysuckle, fruit trees of 250 mu, vegetables 30 mu, total construction area of 6600 square meters, of which 1320 square meters of office space, warehouse 1280 square meters, 4000 square meters of green coffees which are. Technology is: the preferred varieties, reasonable density, scientific irrigation fertilization, harvest. The main equipment are: agricultural vehicles, rotary cultivator, spray insecticide, weeding machine, water pump and pipeline. After the completion of the project, with an annual output of 25000 kg, 300000 kg, fruit and vegetable of commodity honeysuckle annual revenue of 4 million yuan, product sales a vast market and considerable economic and social benefits.