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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:CNG加气、加油、充电多功能站建设项目,建设主要内容:该项目2500平方米,建筑面积1200平方米,其中建设站房1栋1层,建筑面积650平方米,罩棚550平方米。建设20立方储气罐2个,30立方储油罐4个。加气工艺流程:(CNG)槽车—卸气柱—压缩机—储气单元—售气机。主要设备:60立方立式真空粉末储罐1台,30立方储油罐4个, CNG增压泵撬1台, CNG单加气机2台,单加油机4台,充电桩4台等。服务能力: CNG年供气100万立方米、年销售汽油、柴油1000吨,新能源年充电能力50万度。该项目位于重要交通路段,市场前景好。该项目属重新备案,对原备案号为豫新获嘉服务[2016]05486的备案确认书予以废止。
Project name: an annual output of 300000 tons of asphalt concrete construction project. Construction of the main content: the project in the existing factory built in asphalt mixing station, after the completion of 300000 tons of asphalt concrete technology: raw materials measurement - delivery - heating, screening - secondary measurement - mixing - finished product delivery. Major equipment: DE base, mechanical asphalt concrete mixing station.
Project name: annual output of 2 million cases of tourism food processing projects. The construction of the main content: the project annual output of 2 million cases of tourism food. The main construction workshop, warehouse and other production and living facilities. Technology as follows: raw materials (such as outsourcing flour) - and - puffing, seasoning, bagging. Major equipment: mixer, extrusion machine, cutting machine, mixer, automatic vacuum packaging machine.