【服务流程】初步洽谈签订协议 报告编制提交初稿完善修改排版定稿交付客户
【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产20万吨纯净水、饮料项目。项目内容:总投资9999万元,73.134亩,建设纯净水、饮料生产线3条及料场、仓库、办公楼等。工艺技术:纯净水:原水→石英砂过滤→活性炭过滤→精密过滤→保安过滤→反渗透过滤→臭氧→灌装→贴标→喷码→包装→码垛→入库;饮料:植物蛋白(果肉等)浓缩液(浆)→调配→→灌装→喷码→包装→码垛→入库。主要生产设备: 水处理、调配、灌装机组、均质机、吹瓶机、灌装机。
Project name: e-commerce intelligent sorting distribution center construction project. Construction of the main content: the project to use company newly built workshop as electricity intelligent sorting distribution center, the building area is 20400 ㎡, the total logistics sorting area 4600 ㎡, shipment sorting area 11000 ㎡, material storage area of 4800 ㎡. Purchase conveyor, shelves and electronic labels, automatic box shipping line line, product delivery and artificial gift delivery writers and wrong feeding early warning system, electrical and industrial control system, and turnover of shipping basket, forklifts and other auxiliary equipment, construction mingle shipments of 12-150000 single intelligent distribution center, the construction of distribution center can effectively solve the problem of the goods after packing speed.
Project name: annual output of 15000 cubic meters of plywood. Construction of the main content: the construction scale: annual output of 15000 cubic meters of plywood; Technology: slab as raw material, through mixing, cold pressing, thermal processing, saw the side plastic, packaging warehousing; Major equipment: coating machine, and auxiliary machine, cold press, hot press, forklift, boiler, quadrilateral saw, etc.; Market forecast: the wide prospect of market.