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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产3.1万吨金针菇生产线建设项目。建设主要内容:本项目分两期建设,每期建筑面积约26000m2 ,金针菇育菇房12600m2、养菌室8900m2、装瓶室4500m2。工艺流程:原料——菌种——接种——养菌——育菇——采摘——包装检验——入成品库。主要设备:每期新增金针菇生产制冷(工业空调)及净化设备、配套公用设备共1203台(套)生产15059台(套)。本项目产品:白色金针菇系日常消费品,将通过众兴菌业现有渠道销往北京、石家庄、太原、郑州等地。项目预期年销售1.78亿元,利润4672.9万元;单期9000万元,利润2336.45万元。项目年提供3.1万吨优质金针菇,有助于**供给;将聘用360名附近村民、大学生等,进场工作。
Project name: annual output of 360 tons of convenience food project. Construction of the main content: covers an area of 8 acres, the main construction workshop 1800 square meters, 260 square meters of office space, the total area of 2060 square meters. Food processing technology: the powder - cure - cooling extrusion molding - flor - bags - sealed bag - packing - finished products. Major equipment: mixer, automatic add powder machine, extruding curing machine, cutting machine, mixer, sealing machine, pillow packing machine, printing machine.
Project name: annual output of 9000 tons of edible fungus processing projects. The project content: the total investment of 150 million yuan, the project covers an area of 50 mu. Production workshop and other construction area of 10000 square meters; Technology: product to filter dust removal, selection of classification to steam clean surface to slice, seasoning, sterilization - metal detector - packaging - packaging - listed; Major equipment: wash, slice, flor, filling, sealing, high temperature sterilization, such as testing equipment.