【服务流程】初步洽谈签订协议 报告编制提交初稿完善修改排版定稿交付客户
【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
Project name: annual output of 180 tons of laying hens breeding project. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 4 acres, the main breeding laying hens, 15000; Construction of aquaculture workshop 1500 square meters, warehouse area of 70 square meters; A major equipment: transporter, a generator, feed machine two, two feeding machines, 120 groups of cages, scraping manure machine two, etc.
Project name: annual output of 45000 square meters of stone processing projects, the construction of the main content: the project leasing the stone city factory building area of 2080 square meters, annual output of 45000 square meters of stone processing for construction projects. Manufacturing process: raw material purchased, cutting, copying, polishing, packing; Major equipment: infrared (cutting), copy machine, edge grinding machine, polishing machine, engring machine, etc., after the completion of the project, the market prospect is good.