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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:铁路机车装备件加工项目。建设主要内容:项目约80亩,建设厂房及配套辅助设施约10万平方米。主要设备: 进口直流测速试验台、轮对压装机、车轴数控加工机床、焊接机器人、电阻热处理炉、整体加工成型数控加工中心、轮对组装胎膜、数控立式镗床、压力机、数控铣床、配套车床等设备。工艺技术:外购铸件、板材及齿轮—粗车加工—焊接—热处理—车铣加工—钻孔—镗孔—精加工—装配—检验—实验—包装—入库。
Project name: project 100000 spinning production line. Construction of the main content: the project is proed to build standardized workshop, a total of 13800 square meters, warehouse and other civil engineering for original materials storehouse, need to buy Swiss C70 carding machine, TL12 efficient combing machine, R - D45 drawing frame, FT2DN roving frame, automatic winder G32 spinning frame, transfering, and a total of 200 units (sets). Technological process: carding al - combed and coarse yarn - automatic winding - into a package into the Treasury. The project technology mature, has the high economic and social benefits.
Project name: L - CNG vehicle LPG stations project. The project content: the total investment of 12 million yuan, the project covers an area of 8 acres, building area of 4000 square meters, the daily supply capacity of 20000 m3, purchase compressor, low pressure and dewatering device, the sale, hydraulic pressure regulating device, compressed air dryer and other equipment, design of lightning protection, anti-static, equipped with fire-fighting equipment and facilities.